Page 47: Einstein , the pretty girl and the stove!

Coming back to this blog was tiresome , I had quite forgotten the password(iamthebest, password, 123456, sachinrocks didn’t work) and had to go to lengths to get it reset. Its been a while now since I wrote anything here and its mainly because of time or the lack of it. So why did I come back to this blog ? As John Wanamaker once famously said” People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness”. This totally holds good for me , as the last three posts were written when I fell ill and had some free time on hand.
All said and done, having a job is no excuse for not having the time to do what you want to do.  All of us have been given 24 hours in a day and if Gandhiji could use them to get Independence or Warren Buffet could use them to make billions for himself , I see no reason why we cant find time to do what we really want to do. As they say , “Time is what we want most , but what we use worst”

Now, time is an interesting concept which had me fascinated since childhood when the narration for the entire Mahabharath series was done by Time(Remember , Main Samay Hoon?) in that gruff no nonsense voice. I also thoroughly enjoyed speed*time*distance problems in math(or was it physics?). I love the concept of time so much that when someone asks how far is Madras from Bangalore , I don’t say 400 kms away, instead I say 6 hours away. Okay, now that my love for time has been established, lets get into Einstein level mode to understand and make use of time better.

As per Mr.Albert Einstein “When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity” . As I have a PhD on relativity& time travel (From Eye Eye Pee Em)  and also considered as the foremost authority on Einstein’s life in general , I would  like to explain what the man with the crazy hairdo is trying to say. Its simply means, time or our perception of time is subjective and can vary depending on what we are doing with it. The premise of the quote is that time can speed up or slow down based on what we are doing. For example , a boring history class at school used to feel like eternity compared to PT class where time flew(Especially when you were playing Basketball with the girls).If you dig a little deeper into the quote, you tend to realize that you can slowdown time by paying attention to what you are doing. Like when you watch a clock , you feel time has slowed and the clock is conspiring against you.

I guess most of us are in the stage of life where weeks fly by and you have lost track of how many weeks come and go. Its also the stage where you are most productive and in your prime. If we can slow down time by paying more attention to what we are doing , we can control and ration time. Its like money , when  you keep a tab on how much you have and how you plan on spending it , it automatically is used better and you stay in control. Imagine the possibilities , you can go on that vacation you always wanted to go , join a gym , join a social cause or play some cricket with you neighborhood kids.. the possibilities are limitless.

So next time before you tell someone you don’t time, think about Einstein , the pretty girl … and the stove!

I believe everything in life can be explained through a Calvin and Hobbes Comic strip .. so here we go :

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