Page 45 : TDKR

 You know that feeling when you go to a five star restaurant and order a dish that you have tasted before in the same restaurant and cooked by the same chef . The chef is highly acclaimed and has his own unique style of cooking  , an unconventional but highly enjoyable style of cooking . You look around and the ambiance of the restaurant is stunning . Elegantly draped velvet curtains , belgian glass painted windows , marbled floors and crystal chandeliers . There is also a pianist playing Beethoven’s fifth symphony and he hits every note , pitch perfect .

An immaculately dressed waitress comes to your table with the ordered dish . She smiles at you and you notice how stunningly beautiful she is . She serves you the ordered dish and quickly leaves the table . You look at the dish , its plated beautifully and is visually stunning. By now you are salivating and can’t wait any longer to taste it . You pick up the silver cutlery and take a bite .

Its tasty , its flavorful , its got all the  right ingredients . Your taste buds are satisfied , they got what they wanted . You polish the entire meal in minutes and are now contemplating ordering another portion . You decide to pass and walk out of the restaurant . As you leave the restaurant , you can’t help but compare the experience with the other times you came to the restaurant and ordered the same dish . Was this the best amongst all the other times ? Were you mindblown , the way you were when you came here the first time or even the second ?  You realize , that inspite of having a great meal , this probably was the worst you have had in this restaurant , cooked by the same MasterChef .

The above is an analogy of my experience of watching the Dark Knight Rises . Inspite of being a terrific movie in its own right , it was disappointing when you compare it with Batman Begins or The Dark Knight . I missed the Joker , I missed the profound conversations between Bruce Wayne and Alfred , I saw too little of Batman , the action scene though technically superior lacked the hair raising quality of the previous installments. I hated the fact that the movie had too many plot holes and a very conventional Bollywoodisque climax , the movie twists were childish , the dialogues hardly audible and then there was Bane .

Christopher Nolan , you have met expectations , but I was expecting you to exceed them.

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9 Responses to Page 45 : TDKR

  1. Varun Khona says:

    Do you compare Missionary vs Doggy while having sex? That’s my issue with comparing movies which are a part of the same trilogy.

    • RR says:

      Haha . Its so easy to bait trolls 🙂 To answer your question , yes .. I would . To explain why , would be insulting your intelligence and mine . More of mine .

  2. Varun Khona says:

    Now we know Rajat does not know the difference 😉

    • RR says:

      Dude , with that you joined the league which certain batchmates of yours are a part of . I’m sure u feel at home 😉

  3. Varun Khona says:

    Rajat Ranjan, the kid who never grew up and still runs around talking about ‘batchmates’ 🙂

    • RR says:

      And Varun the kid who clearly has too much time on his hands to crop comments out and start a thread dissing a guy behind his back . Very mature 🙂

  4. Varun Khona says:

    Rajat Ranjan writes blogs. Lets not talk about having time on our hands 🙂 Come on, dissing a guy behind his back is your home ground.

  5. Varun Khona says:

    Come on, we did well. Round of applause.

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