Page 44: Snip Snip Snip !

Yesterday I was walking back home from Ulsoor Police Station . No , I didn’t mug anyone and get caught . This happens to be the closest landmark to where I stay , automatically becoming my pick up and drop off point . Due to the recent benevolence of the Govt. of India on the Aam Junta by very slightly increasing the cost of certain essential fuel resources , I have vowed to limit the use of the car on weekends . One of my friends (Let’s call her Miss Alto ) has offered to chauffeur me around town until I change my mind ( Its already changed as I write this ) . Miss Alto , I have been told to say is an extremely adept driver who can do reverse parking , Schumacher style .

As I was walking back home , I happened to see a spanking new barber shop . Now my rule with Barber shops is that I have no rule . I have gone to the most expensive in town to get a haircut and also have gone to guys who don’t even have a proper shop . So this one looked inviting , with glass doors , 5 by 5 carpet area to boot ( with land prices skyrocketing in Blore , 5 by 5 is equivalent to a sprawling clubhouse ) , swivel chairs , puss puss water can (the one they use to spray water all over you ) and that scam machine where you put your face in and press a switch and some kind of steam comes on your face . After a couple of minutes of physical pain and an intense burning sensation in your nose , you are led to believe that now you have got a new peel of super glowing skin ( I mean , my friend’s friend tried it, so that’s how I know :p ) !

Anyways , I went in sat and looked at the mirror . Suddenly it seemed like my hair was perfect and I didn’t actually need a haircut . To clear the confusion , I asked the barber ( Hairdresser ) himself for an opinion .
He looked at me keenly and was making rapid calculations in his head about my ability to pay him for the haircut . After much deliberation , he came to the conclusion that I must be good for atleast a couple of hundred bucks . So he said I definitely needed the haircut and also a head massage as he could see early signs of aging and hairfall . I thanked him for his expert opinion and immediately agreed to both his ideas .

Then it came to choosing the right haircut . I showed him one of the styles on the catalog , a nice clean cut with all hair in place , perfectly gelled with small wavy spikes . He glanced at it , looked at me and laughed hard for two full minutes . Weird guy right ? I thought so too . But then it was way too late to leave now , so I settled down and as soon as I heard the snips of the scissor , I fell asleep . When I woke up , I looked at the mirror and laughed hard for two full minutes . He completely ignored the catalog description and gave me a haircut which can be best described as ‘ Maha Shady’ . So , I had to go through the usual process of ‘ let’s just forget about styles , please cut it full short ‘ . He happily obliged and I had to go back home with my usual ‘ just back from the Army ‘ look .

I would really like to know how does it work with girls . How do you people come out of the hairdresser’s with the perfect haircut ever !?!

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