Page 41 : Cape Comorin Part 1- Station Wagons, Trains and Coelho

Lately this blog has been very slow . Again , not because of an active social life , but because of a hyperactive work life . Working 12 + hours a day doesn’t give you too much time to write or actually do anything else apart from eat and sleep . So , until today (apart from buying a car for myself and an interesting cricket tournament , where I top scored with a record shattering strike rate of 250[don’t ask how much I scored ] ) nothing blog worthy happened . Today though, I left for a family trip to Kanyakumari . For the geographically challenged , this is the southernmost tip of our country. As its kinda impossible to go(and return back alive) to the northernmost tip , because of our extra friendly neighboring countries , the family decided to try the southernmost . So , right after work I rushed home to start packing ,which included one shorts and two t shirts , my tab , shaver , camera , deo and 5 books ( I carry books wherever I go to , it makes me feel safe ) . Now , there was the matter of getting to the station . Now there are two kinds of families . Ones who use conventional kinds of transport like booking a cab etc and the second where a driver drops them to the station . Mine is a self created third category , where an Army vehicle comes to pick us up (Ya , one of my parents works for the Defence ) . This vehicle turned out to be a huge station wagon . I only hoped that some cute chick might see me getting off it and assume I’m some war veteran and then she decides to run away with me and we live happily ever after . Alas, nothing like that happened . So , we reached the station and the train hadn’t yet arrived . Not because it was late , but because we were 2 hours early . My family has this habit of being extra early in everything . Be it catching a flight , train or a ship . We will be there even before the pilot/engine driver/captain has even woken up for the day . I guess , many such OCDs run deep in my family tree !
After a long wait and endless staring at random people , lugging around luggage ,the train did come and we got in and the usual drama happened where we find our seats and immediately start sanitizing and dusting it and make sure people around us are not known serial killers who drug co passengers with drug laced biscuits. A quick check proved no one around fit the bill except for a weird looking guy who had a Paulo Coelho book in his hand (I’m highly suspicious of people who read Coelho as they can be upto no good ) . I only relaxed , when I realized he was using the book to fan himself and wasn’t exactly reading It . I quickly jumped up to the top berth , and after the usual thoughts about the solar system , universe and purpose of life , I quickly fell asleep .

To be continued

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2 Responses to Page 41 : Cape Comorin Part 1- Station Wagons, Trains and Coelho

  1. divya1001 says:

    I find you so very hilarious. Even when you don’t mean to be jest!

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